Ferreira Martins & Filhos, SA is a young and dynamic spirit company, specializing in timber trading and derivatives products. Emerged as a society in 2005, resulting from Ferreira Martins & Filhos - Timber and plywood formwork Porto d 'Ave Ltd, already with a history of 30 years in the branch of the woods reaching its peak in the production of coils for electric cables.
With a leading position in the sector of wood and derivatives, and also recently in building elements Ferreira Martins & Filhos, S.A has a sales network covering the whole country, including Madeira and the Azores, and also Spain and a distribution capacity with own transport for the entire national territory.
Today, the quality of care encompasses product availability at the time and place where it is needed, excellence in product quality, competitive prices and personalized coaching by specialized sales technicians, is considered essential for a company to remain on the market.
Thus, Ferreira Martins & Filhos, SA have in their Braga facilities a covered storage area of 9000 m2 and an outdoor park wood of about 20,000 m2 integrates all the skills and knowledge of employees and the most modern management techniques.
This combination aims to offer the best and most diverse offering geared to meet the specific needs of its customers with a capacity to supply department stores and big factories and these formed the basis of its existence.
Ferreira Martins is deeply committed to the implementation and maintenance of the chain of responsibility requirements and complies with, applies, and promotes:
Supply policy, endorsed by the highest level of company management, through which it commits not to do so and to make its best efforts to avoid trading and supplying wood or wood fiber (hereinafter referred to as wood) from the following categories:
© 2025 Ferreira Martins & Filhos – Madeiras e Derivados, SA
All rights reserved | geral@ferreiramartins.pt